Observer Quraishi slams EFI

Observer Quraishi slams EFI

SY Quraishi, who was appointed by the Delhi High Court in 2019 as observer to look into the affairs of the Equestrian Federation of India, has lambasted the National Sports Federation Federation in a strongly worded letter.

The former CEC (Chief Election Commissioner), who was also former secretary, Sports Ministry and has been associated with a couple of NSFs in the past as well, has written to Colonel Jaiver Singh, secretary, EFI, on how their style of functioning has been lackadaisical.

It is well known the EFI has never been known for good governance. They have flouted the National Sports Code (2011) several times, got pulled up an equal number of times, and yet continued to function in a callous manner.

The reason for  Quraishi’s outburst is because of the manner in which the EFI has handled complaint letters written by rider Shweta Mirdha Hooda over certain technical issue she had flagged in 2020. As per her complaint, the EFI had violated their own technical rules and regulations causing a lot of problems.

When she did not get any proper replies from the EFI, she had written to Quraishi. Shweta is not the only rider to flag issues against the functioning of the EFI. There have been numerous other complaints as well over the years, dating back to 2014.

From flaws in their selection policy for the Asian Games in 2018 to being arbitrary on many issues, the EFI has faced flak and been castigated by the media as well many times.

Representation photo, Indian equestrian

They have refused to follow the NSDC 2011 and got pulled up as well. It is, perhaps, an NSF which  glorifies poor governance, high handedness and functioning against the interest of the riders at large. Worse, the way the EFI managed to get relief, time and again from the Sports Ministry, which is being seen as partisan.

They have never attempted to follow the sports code or set their house in order. The EFI was asked repeatedly to  modify their constitution. It never happened and again towards the end of 2020 they got annual recognition from the Sports Ministry for one year.

Quraishi has been following all these developments and has now decided to pull up the EFI secretary. “With reference to the ongoing correspondence on the above subject, I would like to remind you that I had forwarded a complaint of  Mrs Shweta Hooda, asking for parawise comments thereon. You said you would like to brief me personally which I had declined in view of the prevailing pandemic and had asked for a parawise reply. What you have done,  instead, is to precipitately reject Smt Hooda’s representation and have sent me a general, vague reply as a fait accompli. This gives me the impression that there is more to it than meets the eye. I would like to know from you very categorically – in yes or no –  whether there has been a violation of rule or not. If yes, what is the consequence of the violation and what action was taken by you?  I would also like to know why, when the matter was pending before me, you summarily dismissed it,” wrote Quraishi on January 3, 2021. 

“Your  reply to me  is obviously inadequate and non specific with no supporting documents that reflect any of the said opinions from the various committees which you claim to have discussed the matter. Your lack of seriousness in following directives from a court appointed observer raises serious questions about the functioning of your secretariat and your bonafides.

“I have gone through the various emails including the complainant’s para wise rebuttal, language of the rules, and other facts put up to me by the Athlete’s Commission, and your Secretariat. I have arrived at the conclusion that rules were violated as alleged in this complaint and I find it very strange that your EC should allow these violations. Further,  I find evidence of discrimination as alleged in this complaint where one participant was denied the same permission that was granted to another participant by selective adherence to the rules in the former case but not the latter. 

“I am also very concerned about your EC members’ inability to take up complaints from athletes in a timely and fair manner, and their alleged role in the many complaints that have started to come to me recently from many complainants. On top of this, your questioning of athletes (bordering on threat) who reach out to me in my capacity as an observer is unacceptable and displays your organisation’s (EFI) culture in the poor light when the federation ought to be respectful of the athletes commission and pushing for greater transparency and fairness. Your claim in your reply to me saying the EC is the final body in absence of an elected President, is misplaced. If that was the case, the court would  not have  appointed an observer to look into your functioning,” wrote Quraishi.

He has also asked Colonel Jaiveer Singh to ensure no further violations take place in the future. “In view of your coming Nationals, isn’t  swift action desirable in public interest?  Importantly,  you are strongly advised to ensure that no such violation occurs in any event in future and the EC members ensure that all rules and regulations are observed fully. Please bring my letter to the kind knowledge  of QMG (Quarter Master General),” wrote the observer in the end.

For the record, in 2018, before the Jakarta Asian Games, the EFI bosses played games with the athletes. Riders like Shruti Vora were denied participation in dressage. Others like Colonel (retd) Rajesh Pattu were victims of personal vendetta and he was not selected for the three-day eventing team.

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