Batra to fight for FIH Presidency

Batra to fight for FIH Presidency

Buoyed by the good work he has done since 2016 after taking over the reins of the International Hockey Federation (FIH), president Narinder Dhruv Batra has decided to throw his hat into the ring for another term.

It seems like yesterday Batra won the elections emphatically in 2016 in Dubai. The world of hockey looked up to him as a visionary then, as someone who had done a lot for the Asian hockey fraternity.

Yet, the  big challenge for him, at the time of contesting the FIH elections four years ago was if he would be accepted globally. It is well-known, the FIH has been controlled by the Europeans. For Batra to break that legacy and take over was a big win.

Since 2020, when the world of sports has suffered because of Covid-19, hockey was no exception. However, the resumption of international hockey has been smooth. Today, teams are travelling and building up for the Tokyo Olymics. The FIH Pro League will also see India competing soon.

However, for Batra, it is the global development of hockey which is close to his heart. He made promises in 2016 and delivered. The FIH Pro League, on home and away basis, the FIH Nations Cup, the  FIH Hockey 5s World Cup are all his contribution as the FIH president and his team.

The FIH also worked on social media platforms for the sport to become bigger, and more online courses at various levels. No sport at the international level can survive without commercial support and Batra ensured that, too,  happened.

Last year, the FIH elections were to be held but got postponed because of the pandemic. The FIH Congress will now be held in New Delhi in May and  Batra is seeking re-election.

He has written an emotional letter to the FIH Congress seeking re-election. He has thanked all the people who worked alongside him for the betterment of hockey. “I have the honour and pleasure to announce my candidacy to continue to be your President beyond the upcoming Congress, should you wish me to do so,” wrote Batra.

In his letter, he has written about “taking hockey to the next level.” He has also elaborated on what his plans are for world hockey in the next four years, if he is re-elected.

The FIH president has mentioned:  “Developing hockey further, increasing the visibility of hockey, enhancing financial viability, putting fans and athletes at the centre of everything we do, innovate, improve Olympic status, harmonise international calendar for events, maintain clean hockey, improve good governance, make hockey more inclusive, use hockey as a catalyst for positive social change… as his 11 players for the next presidential mandate.”

There is no doubt, India has also become an important hub in the growth of hockey and the next World Cup in 2023 will be held in the high energy state of Orissa. The FIH has seen how Orissa can provide the right energy for good hockey.

At a time when the Olympics programme faces stiff resistance from several fresh disciplines and has had to make adaptations, world hockey has also been making innovations.

One is not sure how many candidates from other continents will throw their hat into the ring for the FIH President’s post. In 2016, when Batra won, it was emphatic. He is now padded up for the second innings, should he get re-elected.

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